4 Points to Finding the Right Custom Web Design Firm in California

California has been on the forefront of technology innovation and design trends since the 80's, so it is completely normal to seek out a web design firm in California for a project that stands out. Many businesses, ad agencies, and corporations around the country seek out web design companies in California because they are on the cutting edge of web technologies and digital marketing. So what are the 4 keys to look for in a web design firm in California to design and develop your projects with innovation, cutting edge design, awesome functionality and conversions, on budget, and with the ROI factor you are looking for?

  1. Does the web design company have the experience and skills you are looking for, really? - A lot of web design companies will say they have experience with the latest technology and implementing it successfully to create your site, but sometimes that is not reality. Many web design companies will advertise that they do all types of design, development, implementation, etc., but the truth is that they usually try to be all things to all people. They will either experiment with your project or will outsource it. Finding companies with experience in the latest trends and technologies, like designing and developing apps, IPTV channels or mobile responsive sites for example, isn't always the easiest endeavor.

    Finding a company that has the experience you are looking for really comes down to the work they have accomplished for others. Take a look at past and present work, does it fit with what you are looking to achieve? If all you are looking for is a website, then your choices are going to be endless. If you are looking for a website with action pathways, calls to action, and additional features for better marketing, then your choices are going to be few. There are a lot of companies out there that create "pretty" websites, but are not tuned into optimizing the site for marketing and conversion purposes.

  2. How successful has the web design company been for others? - This is important because experience and advanced skills will produce projects that win awards. Award-winning web design firms in California are top producers. They will have the capabilities to exceed expectations on design and functionality. Look for prestigious web award winners. This field is limited, so it should make the process a little quicker for you.

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  4. Take a look at past clients including reviews - Take note of past clientele. This will give you a very good sense of the type of work to expect from the firm and it will give you an excellent perspective on what type of firm you are considering. Top tier web design firms in California will be enterprise level producers, and the costs will be appropriate for that level of work. It is very important to look at reviews provided by past clients of the firm. Chances are they will all be positive if you are looking on the web design firm's site, but read them closely. Clients usually give a pretty straight up review, they often don't over-emphasis things unless it is really something that made a dramatic change in their business. Also, search the web for other articles and reviews that are not part of the firm's site. These will be more unbiased and can hopefully provide you with some valuable information about the company and how they do business.

  5. Lastly, what level of staffing does the digital company have to complete the projects? - Web design is really about so much more than just "web design." There are so many other areas tied to that which require a skilled staff in multiple disciplines. You need top notch designers, programmers, online marketing experts which could include people in various areas such as social media, search engine marketing, search engine optimization, video optimization, and much more. In addition to this you need account managers, project managers, project coordinators, and engagement specialists. Exceeding expectations for clients is accomplished by having specialists in various areas, and that only happens with a staff of experts. It's not that you have to go with the biggest web design firm in California, but chances are the larger firms with more than 30 employees will have the expert integrated staff needed to complete the more difficult and advanced projects. These companies will also provide the best ideas about your individual project needs and how to achieve them.
Since 1995, Trinet Internet Solutions, Inc. has been actively working with clients in California and across the country to produce award-winning web design, create custom applications, conduct successful online marketing campaigns, and much more. With an expert staff of over 30 employees, Trinet Internet Solutions, Inc. is uniquely qualified in a wide variety of online specialties for your project needs. Contact Trinet today to discuss your specific web design needs. We can be reached at 949.442.8900 or by email at contactus@trinetsolutions.com. We look forward to the opportunity to speak with you about your web design needs along with any other online initiatives you might be considering, and how we can take the entire project or campaign to the next level for your business.

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