Deplatforming Resiliency
Deplatforming is defined as the action or practice of preventing someone holding views perceived in certain circles to be offensive from participating or contributing to a forum or debate by blocking or removing them from a particular website or technology platform.

Deplatforming individuals and organizations for holding certain beliefs is becoming more and more common everyday, including opinions and beliefs protected by the 1st Amendment (freedom of religion) or 2nd Amendment (right to bear arms). Organizations that own or control the technology, communications, and financial processing platforms (including Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon, Credit Card processors, banks, and many others) have taken actions to censor, ban or entirely remove the offending organization at a moment's notice, completely incapacitating that organization's ability to communicate and function effectively.
Forms of deplatforming including the following:
- Censoring and/or removal from Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, and other similar communications platforms
- Search engine traffic blocking and shadow banning
- Domain name registry cancellation
- Website hosting discontinuance
- Email services discontinuance
- CRM discontinuance
- Credit card processing termination
- Cancellation of banking services
- A host of other major and minor attacks that can functionally incapacitate an organization overnight.
As deplatforming becomes a more common occurrence for more and more individuals and organizations, it is prudent to anticipate deplatforming before it happens, and develop an organizational technology platform resiliency plan in order to be prepared for this eventuality. By performing a thorough audit and analysis of current organizational technology risks, identifying high risk technologies and platforms, developing backup and contingency plans, and implementing these plans in a consistent and methodical manner, an organization can prevent the panic and incapacitation that can occur when deplatforming suddenly happens to your organization.

Trinet can help you determine your risk of deplatforming and help you develop and implement contingency plans to mitigate deplatforming risk!
We draw upon the expertise of some of the industry's best technical and strategic technology and marketing consultants to assist organizations in assessing risk, developing workable contingency plans, and continually re-assessing and re-visiting contingency plans for organizational continuity as technology, society, and government changes. Trinet's consultants have been working on these issues and have assisted organizations in developing and implementing technology and communications continuity plans for the past 3-5 years.
Trinet has consultants that have experience working with both 1st amendment and 2nd amendment organizations for years, assisting them with identifying technology and organizational risks, developing custom contingency plans, and assisting organizations in implementing those plans to reduce the impact of a deplatforming incident. Additionally, since technology and deplatforming risks and scope is constantly changing, Trinet can provide crucial ongoing advisory and consulting support to continually re-assess risks, and update contingency plans as technology, society and government policies change.

Trinet's provides a three phased approach.
- Phase 1 includes an initial high level organizational technology and deplatforming risk assessment and initial high level recommendations.
- Phase 2 includes a more detailed audit and assessment of 2-3 areas of high risk identified in Phase 1, plus development of an initial organizational resiliency and continuity plan.
- Phase 3 includes ongoing consulting, monitoring and assessment as technology, society and government changes, plus periodic focused topic summit meetings.
Deplatforming resiliency is critical to ensure that an organization can have long term viability and ability to continue to function and carry out it's primary mission and vision.
If you are concerned about your organization being deplatformed, contact Trinet today and ask about Deplatforming Resiliency.